Vocabulary #6
obsequious: obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree
-It is almost scary how obsequious she is. I jokingly told her to clean the bathroom, and she did it.
beatitude: supreme blessedness.
-The sermon on the mount is partially famous for the list of beatitudes it gives.
bete noire: a detested person
-Typically a bête noire has no friends.
bode: to be an omen of a particular outcome
-"The eyes of March" was a bode that Caesar chose to ignore.
dank: disagreeably damp, musty, and typically cold
-The old library was incredibly dank, yet it had a sense of unexplainable warmth and wisdom.
ecumenical: worldwide or general in extent, influence, or application
-World History, although difficult has a great ecumenical sense to it.
fervid: intensely enthusiastic or passionate, esp. to an excessive degree
-Enthusiasm is good, but she is fervid about the upcoming project.
fetid: smelling extremely unpleasant
-Nothing is more fetid than the smell of a trashcan.
gargantuan: enormous
-Did you see the size of that elephant? It was gargantuan.
heyday: The period of greatest popularity, success, or power; prime
-Most musicians typically experience a heyday but then shortly after begin their decline.
incubus: a nightmare
-I had the worst incubus last night, I was being chased by clowns.
infrastructure: is basic physical and organizational structures needed for the operation of a society or enterprise
-A strong infrastructure, is the backbone of a government.
inveigle: persuade (someone) to do something by means of deception or flattery
-People who inveigle others, typically have a hidden agenda.
kudos: fame and renown resulting from an act or achievement
-Many people seek the kudos of actors and musicians.
lagniappe: something given or obtained gratuitously or by way of good measure
-I was received a lagniappe from a close friend.
prolix: (of speech or writing) using or containing too many words; tediously lengthy
-Today many people would consider the famous speeches by some of history's most famous people prolix.
protégé: a person who is guided and supported by an older and more experienced or influential person
-Like a true student, the protégé followed in his mentor's steps to success.
prototype: an early sample, model or release of a product built to test a concept or process or to act as a thing to be replicated or learned from.
-I wonder where the prototype of the first modern computer resides.
sycophant: a person who acts obsequiously toward someone important in order to gain advantage.
-Sycophants are often considered narcissists and occasionally sociopaths by their peers.
tautology: needless repetition of an idea, statement, or word
-Tautology, especially in the sense of memorization, isn't always a bad thing.
truckle: To be servile or submissive.
-A truckle person, is not a good friend to have as they will always try to let you have your way.
accolade: An award or privilege granted for special honor.
-The soldier was given an accolade for his heroism and bravery during battle.
acerbity: Sharp bitterness.
-Acerbity towards a family member always leads to arguments.
attrition: The action of weakening by attack or pressure.
Constant attrition finally caused the walls of the kingdom to collapse.
bromide: An unoriginal idea or remark.
-There comes a point where saying the same thing over and over becomes bromide.
chauvinist: A person displaying aggressive or exaggerated patriotism.
-Wow, his chauvinistic personality caused him to go bit overboard on the 4th of July.
chronic: On going.-Wow, his chauvinistic personality caused him to go bit overboard on the 4th of July.
-Amputee's often mention chronic pain in the removed limb, sometimes even years after it has been gone.
expound: Present and explain systematically and in detail.
-She was able to expound the entire math class quickly.
factionalism: Relating or belonging to a faction.
-Factionalism is basically a modern day union.
immaculate: Perfectly clean and tidy.
-Whitney's room is immaculate, not a dust bunny or dirt smudge in sight.
imprecation: A spoken curse.
-Imprecations, are great things to udder under you breathe as that jerk walks away.
palliate: To make less severe or unpleasant.
-To be completely honest, having me palliate my opinion of you is horrible.
protocol: The official procedure or system of rules governing affairs of state or diplomatic occasions
-Protocol for a fire indicates that we should stop, drop and roll. Ironically these are also the rules for dodge ball.
resplendent: Attractive and impressive through being richly colorful or sumptuous.
-Look at that resplendent building. It almost looks like some sort of cubist painting.
stigmatize: Describe or regard as worthy of disgrace or great disapproval.
-I didn't mean to stigmatize their performance in the play, but let's face it they were awful.
sub rosa: Happening or done in secret.
-The meeting is supposedly happing sub rosa.
vainglory: Inordinate pride in oneself or one's achievements; excessively vain.
-Her vainglory and narcissistic personality make her impossible to be around.
vestige: A trace of something that is disappearing or no longer exists.
-The ruins are now simply a vestige of the kingdom's former power.
volition: The faculty or power of using one's will.
-It is amazing what can happen when volition occurs.
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