Monday, September 9, 2013

Vocabulary #4

Vocabulary #4
accolade:An award or privilege granted for special honor.
-The girl was given an accolade for her heroic actions last month.
acerbity: Sharp bitterness.
-Her acerbity toward others made her difficult to work with in group situations.
attrition: The action of weakening by attack or pressure.
-The attrition of the government was caused by the dissent of the common people.
bromide:  An unoriginal idea or remark.
-The phrases she used in her speech were not only cliché but they were also incredibly bromide.
chauvinist: A person displaying aggressive or exaggerated patriotism.
-Yes, it is a great thing to love your country, but the chauvinistic man went a little too far in the attempt to show his patriotism.
chronic: On going.
-From experience I can honestly say that chronic pain is often worse than the initial pain of the injury.
expound:  Present and explain systematically and in detail.
factionalism: Relating or belonging to a faction.
-Before unions were created craftsmen displayed factionalism, to help preserve their trade.
immaculate: Perfectly clean and tidy.
-My room is anything but immaculate.
imprecation: A spoken curse.
-She whispered an imprecation under her breath, after the Prius cut her off on the freeway.
ineluctable: Unable to be resisted or avoided.
-He is so charismatic he is practically ineluctable.
mercurial: Subject to sudden or unpredictable changes of mood or mind.
-She is incredibly mercurial due to her bipolar disorder.
palliate: To make less severe or unpleasant.
-Contrary to popular belief, water does not palliate the unpleasant sensations of peppers instead it makes it much worse.
protocol: The official procedure or system of rules governing affairs of state or diplomatic
-The protocol for a fire is stop, drop, and roll. This strategy also works well in dodge ball.
resplendent: Attractive and impressive through being richly colorful or sumptuous.
-The artist did an excellent job of making the work resplendent.
stigmatize: Describe or regard as worthy of disgrace or great disapproval.
-His speech shouldn't have been stigmatized so harshly as he actually had several great points.
sub rosa: Happening or done in secret.
-The coalition's meeting is currently happening sub rosa.
vainglory: Inordinate pride in oneself or one's achievements; excessively vain.
-Her vainglory in her achievements, is bested only by her ignorance.
vestige: A trace of something that is disappearing or no longer exists.
-The kingdom is just a vestige of its former glory.
volition: The faculty or power of using one's will.
-Volition, is a skill now lacking in young people of today's society.

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